Søren Schaarup
Thorup Hedevej 1
DK- 9330 Dronninglund Dronninglund
Sculpture Biennale 2018
This is the largest sculpture exhibition in Denmark this year showing 150 sculptures indoor at Dronninglund Kunstcenter and 101 sculptures outdoor in the park next to the art center.
63 sculptors from Danish Sculptors Society participate showing sculptures in stone, steel, bronze, wood etc in all sizes and expressions.
Indoor exhibition at Dronninglund Kunstcenter is open Monday - Friday: 13-17. Saturday and Sunday 11-17. Admission: 50 d.kr. (incl. catalogue)
Outdoor exhibition in the park is open 24 hours. Admission free.
Se more at Danish Sculptor Societys webpage : www.skulptur.dk
and at
Dronninglund Art centers webpage: www.dronninglund-kunstcenter.dk