Nicolet Boots
Start with poetry....
words, written next to drawings and color experiments in my sketchbook, are often the starting point for my art. These words are like seeds in my head, that lead my hands into making and organically shaping the appearance of the artworks. Sometimes the words are visible, scratched into the surface in a piece, or as title. And sometimes the words, written on paper, actually become part of the artworks as papier-maché like in the 'Journal Cups' or ' Story Vases' or as collage in my encaustic works.
I make paintings ánd sculptures in a variety of materials and especially love to work with plaster and encaustic ( that is beewax and pigment combined with dammar). The two-dimensional works are in constant dialogue with my three-dimensional works and bring new ideas to the process. Together the artworks unfold a sensitive, tactile and multi-layered view of the natural world, and us, as humans being, being part of it.
I was born in Bergen (n-h), a small village near the the sea, in the Netherlands. I worked as an audio-visual program maker in a planetarium / Omnimax Theatre in the Hague and studied Art Management at the Open University. In 1989 I left the Netherlands and pursued a career in the visual arts, training my artistic qualities with art classes and summer schoold, among others at the College of Art in Edinburgh and Leith, School of Art.
I lived, with partner and child in Scotland, Denmark and Austria and, since 2009, in Munich, making, showing and selling my work in galleries and art shows.
'I'll do it anyway', a work on paper, was acquired by the Bayerische Staatsgemälde Sammlung.