Maria Gracia de Pedro

Maria Gracia de Pedro lives and works in Madrid (Spain), and has lived In Italy and United Kingdom.

She holds a MA in Art Market, with an Executive Certificate in Leadership in Visual Arts Management (Deusto BS, Guggenheim and NYU University) and an Entrepreneurial Certificate by Citizen Bootcamp (Deusto Business School and City Bank). Maria recently concluded with honors the PhD dissertation “Emerging artists and its market. Strategies for its development from academic studies to the professional life”.

María is the co-founder of hiato projects, director of Badr El Jundi and teacher of Contemporary Art Market at URJC.

Previous experiences include: Editor at Daily Lazy (2018-2021), Director at JosédelaFuente (2017-2020), Coordinator and International relations at Orbital Residency (2017-2020), Fundraising and International Relations at Ruber Contemporanea (2015-2018), Development and Sales at waterside contemporary (2015-2016), amongst others. 

Maria is member of Galley Climate Coalition – GCC, MAV and Awita.

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Maria Gracia de Pedro

Skulptur und Klimanotstand

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