Frac des Pays de la Loire
Boulevard Ampère La Fleuriaye
44470 Carquefou

Word is round

For the 35th international residency program of the Frac des Pays de la Loire in Carquefou, Marie de Brugerolle invites four artists from diverse backgrounds and practices to engage with the works of Marie Bourget, Jordan Derrien and Lili Dujourie.

Bubbles, circles, hemisphere, dome, snowballs, false mirrors and real reflections, looped films, immersive installation, the works respond to each other.

Word is round is an invitation to reaffirm the roundness of words (and the world).

Word is round plays with twists and turns, like a spinning top that falls back on its letters.

Word is round evokes the refrain, a refrain that foils the repetition of the same story, the injunction of representation and affirms differences, gaps and breaths.

Word is round is a twist in language, a haiku, a koan, a project that plays with consonances and homophony.

Word is round invites oblique movements, a peripheral gaze, non-linear microstories.

At the intersection of social, political, poetic spheres, considering that we are not isolated monads* but in constant vibration, Word is round is a polysphere**.

* Units
** A polysphere is a diffracted moving shape that can be seen from a different angle.

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