Artificial Hell. Dante's Inferno by Artificial Intelligence

The Inferno book is narrated through a visual and multimedia journey.
Inspired by the verses of the Divine Comedy, Riccardo Boccuzzi describes Dante’s Inferno to the AI, which, for the first time, renders an entire literary work in images, giving it its original interpretation.

Twenty-one works are printed in large format and very high quality; others are presented on audiovisual support, animated videos, and an extract of a documentary directed by the artist, recounting the long creative and production process. The result is Artificial Hell, Dante’s infernal journey through more than 10,000 images, which becomes the first sequence of figurative works realised by an algorithm.

Thanks to a standard and uniform style of the images, these take on the stark colours of a world that swings between gothic and fantasy, where the undefined faces of the characters evoke a dimension of mystery and discovery, leading us into a truly immersive experience that allows the visitor to enter the circles of hell together with Dante and Virgil.

For further information see Artificial Hell. L'Inferno di Dante visto dall'Intelligenza Artificiale | MAXXI

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