Mitgliedsveranstaltung von
Antri Koumidou

Wilhelminapark 1

Sebastián Díaz Morales

Young legs, old legs, bare legs, legs shrouded in hosiery or denim, atop sandals or sneakers. Legs that Díaz Morales filmed at pavement level. Faceless legs, yet all of them in motion and all in pursuit of a singular goal – though you never learn what it is.

Today, the idea of a protest march as a means of decrying injustice and calling for change seems more relevant than ever. But for Díaz Morales, who grew up seeing images of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo protesting in Buenos Aires, this kind of march has a historical significance as well. With Miles marchan (Thousands March), the artist now creates a portrait of the protest march as an entity.

The video has been produced with the support of the Mondriaan Fund.

More info: HERE

Picture: 2021, channel video installation with 5.1 surround sound, 60 min., soundscape Philip Miller, courtesy of the artist and carlier | gebauer, Berlin, Madrid


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