Mitgliedsveranstaltung von
Antri Koumidou

Stadhouderslaan 41
2517 HV Den Haag

Natural Splendour

Based on admiration and passion for the highly skilled craftmanship of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, the Terra Verde Collection – a world-class private collection of Dutch ceramics – provides an inspiring overview of Dutch majolica, tiles and Delftware. These are not only the rarest of objects – whether with a blue ground, marbled, or with yellow ‘Italian’ decoration – they are also in perfect condition.

Natural Splendour will present this unique collection to the public for the first time.

More info: HERE

Picture: Dish, possibly Haarlem or Rotterdam, 1620-1640, tin- and lead-glazed earthenware, diameter 31.3 cm, Terra Verde Collection


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