Mitgliedsveranstaltung von
Antri Koumidou

Stadhouderslaan 41
2517 HV Den Haag

Wiebke Siem

At the start of her career in the mid-1980s Siem designed garments that explored the boundary between art and design. Her collection of dresses, hats, bags, shoes, strange costumes and masks blurred the distinction between art and fashion, as the items in the collection could be worn or, equally, regarded as aesthetic objects.

Her work still combines with fashion and textiles with fine art. And by combining visual references to modern art with materials and methods associated with the female or the male, Siem continues to draw a historical parallel between the sexism of the early to mid-20th century and her experiences as a female artist in the art world.

More info: HERE

Picture: Untitled, 2000 Sheepskin, abachi, shoes from MIROIKE, Berlin


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Barsinghausen OT Groß Munzel, Deutschland



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Heidelberg/Darmstadt, Deutschland



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Munich, Deutschland

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