Mitgliedsveranstaltung von
Michelle Gallagher



If not now, when? Is a two-part virtual exhibition presenting the work of over 40 international women and non-binary artists who identify as mothers. Launching on International Women’s Day (March 8th), part one of the exhibition explores the impact of the pandemic on mothers’ emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing, while part two is a call-to-action toward a post-pandemic world free of oppression. A year on from the first lockdown’s being imposed around the world, we are facing the reality that “unless we act now, the pandemic could set women’s rights back by decades” (United Nations 2020). This past year has seen systems of oppression rise to the surface once more, and has uncovered inequalities which can no longer be overlooked.

The artists in part one express the complex and unique challenges mothers are facing during this unprecedented time; the grief, the weightiness of domestic confinement, the loneliness while never being alone, and the pressure to be all things at once.

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