Because there is still so much beauty to share ...
"Because there is still so much beauty to share. . . " It is a statement by artist Nellie de Mulder from The Netherlands. Together with her husband Eduard Gerrits, they will be showing their work in the window of De Kunstpraktijk in the coming weeks. She adds, "An artist's need to create is not changed by the Coronavirus." During the lockdown, Nellie retired to her studio to work on a new project. She bet on what was still possible, in addition to the many things that fell silent. Creativity, imagination, beauty, all values that matter - especially now. This is how her 'cartoons' were created every day, in a mix of techniques. More than a hundred paintings that give a picture of man and his world in this confusing period. The powerful and at the same time vulnerable works invite you to discover your own world and your own story in it.
Man is central to the spatial work of Eduard Gerrits. He uses clay as a material to shape what he wants to say. The peace that emanated from the Corona period also seized Eduard to work on a new project: The makeable Man. We can mold humans, both physically and mentally, using technologies, education, upbringing and information. But the idea that everything would be manageable and malleable is now outdated. The Coronavirus shows us the vulnerability of humans more than ever. In his project Eduard worked from a basic figure and researched how you can create new images by intervening in this form.
To be seen as a window presentation and in De Kunstpraktijk's B&B.
From March 16 to May 10, 2021
Dorpstraat 6A, 5504 HH Veldhoven
T / + 31 (0) 6 53602704