Mitgliedsveranstaltung von
Ilaria Specos

Via Procaccini 4
20154 Milano


Milano Scultura is a non generalist fair that expresses a different way of doing Art Fairs and that brings together gallery owners, artists and workshops that produce art in a thematic way.

Sculpture is the field of investigation and the need to develop a specific discourse on this discipline stems from the fact that his is one of the artistic languages certainly more codified but also more open to novelty. From Friday 26th to Sunday 28th October, the thousand square meters of the Ex Locale Cisterne of the Fabbrica del Vapore will be the prestigious container of the fair, which is confirmed by the fact that it always offers new perspectives and opportunities to take stock of all aspects of sculpture.

The exhibition format

Conceived and organized by Ilaria Centola with the curatorship of Valerio Dehò, former director of Kunst Meran/o Arte, Milano Scultura was created with the aim of distinguishing itself from the traditional scheme of Italian fairs. Overcoming the logic of the classic exhibition space in favour of a layout that brings it closer to a large collective exhibition resulting from a curatorial project, within it the works are presented without interruption and occupy the space in a fluid way, bringing together the proposals of the galleries to those of institutions, foundations and cultural associations.

Limited and Special Projects

Milano Scultura does not change its structure and confirms also for this edition innovative formats such as Limited, the section dedicated to large works, and the Special Projects, large themed exhibition spaces. Limited goes precisely in the direction of conceiving a more open space in which the works, scattered along the way, can live and dialogue. In this sector of the Fair, introduced in the last edition (2017), the artists participate directly with their own project, a proposal that is harmonized in the general layout. Three are the Special Projects of this edition: the mobile installation by Lisa Borgiani centered on a three-dimensional model, composed of networks, which defines a real space and remains transparent within it, the research of Studio C&C. entitled IL VENTO E IL MONTE (THE WIND AND THE MONTH), dedicated to the theme of landscape and its transformation with the metamorphosis of scenarios and, finally, the collective work Crossing Time, Crossing Space, Crossing Arts presented by the artists of Vi.P. Gallery: six "crossings" that explore time and space through contamination and encroachment.

The Brera Academy

The theme of plastic arts becomes even more relevant in relation to the world of education, to which Milano Scultura is firmly linked, to create a moment of revival of Sculpture understood in a contemporary sense and not as a practice handed down to history books. Milano Scultura proposes its usual collaboration with the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, which presents initiatives that involve students and masters in a confrontation with materials, from the most classic to the least conventional. Always present since the first edition, this year Brera presents MICRO FUSION by Zhenru Liang di Spazio forME: an installation of works created and cast in different metals in the Brera foundry by students enrolled in the course of Foundry Techniques, chair of Professor Geremia Renzi.


Curated by Valerio Dehò

Concept and organization of Ilaria Centola





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