Mitgliedsveranstaltung von
Charlotte Kromer

Im Krausfeld 10
53111 Bonn


The friendship between women is freeing itself from its traditionally confined position: family ties, religion and male sexual behaviour have kept women submissive or invisible. Historically, women were defined by their family contexts or the status of their husbands. Where men have met outside of the house for centuries, women worldwide can now be inspired by other women via social media. Women now find each other on the basis of their shared interests, not because of their familial or marital context. Through mutual contact and friendships women may now be better able to define their own identities. These friendships – and in their wake, women’s networks – provide the basis for a new, stronger position for women in society.

In her work Under My Skin, sculptor Caroline Kampfraath connects cultural phenomena and friendships between women with their social position. The basic idea is that friendship ties replace family ties.


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