Keren Shalev

Zaun in Schichten

The work is derived from the drawing Construction #7.
The work is an installation which ranges between resemblance to the actual object - a fence spread in the space on several layers, and an abstract drawing in space.
The entire work is built mainly with an L profile.
Each layer is standing by itself as a simple, balanced, clear declaration, and at the same time, completes all other layers to an entire composition of unambiguousness, explicitness, and fragility.
The aim of this work was to express the complexity in the action of putting a separation between oneself and the other, by describing the dismantlement of that action to its components and stages, and by relating to the physical presence of the viewer.


140cm, 200cm, 340cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Holz, Metall
Alle Kunstwerke von Keren Shalev
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