Mirko Siakkou-Flodin

Jongleur, kinetic art, Berlin

art commission, city of Berlin

Jongleure Skulpure, kinetic sculpture in Berlin, Malchover Park am See, Hohenschönhausen,

8 m high and 1.5 ton sculpture with a movement diameter of 5 meters in the Hohenschönhausen Landscape Park.
The metal sculptor Mirko Siakkou-Flodin worked on the artwork for six months. Color-treated galvanized steel sculpture and wind chime.
In addition to the bearings, it is a recycled sculpture inspired and created by the scrapyard, so even discarded tools found their place in the design, a broken saw blade fitted exactly on the head, so the juggler became the Panker of Berlin.
Notes: The client was the city of Berlin. The frequently visited park in this new part of the city (Prerower-Platz housing estate, approx. 100,000 inhabitants) prompted me to create a sculpture that is constantly changing due to the wind. Details to be discovered, such as peepholes in the body of the juggler = punker, and 7 different fantasy rotating elements offer ever new perspectives. The sculpture is maintenance-free thanks to encapsulated bearings floating in oil.


800cm, 400cm, 500cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Figurativ, Realistisch, Konstruktiv, Monumental
Spiritualität, Wissenschaft, Körper
Alle Kunstwerke von Mirko Siakkou-Flodin
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