Herbert Hundrich

the panic room 2021

the panic room. 2021

A panic room is a special room protected against forced entry within a home, office, other private business places. The increasing brutalization of the society, growing aggressiveness and openly brutality demand the relocation of the panic room from the private premises into the public.

Clear spaces that not only point to this rampant brutality, consistently force this unacceptable problem into the public discourse and at the same time, offer people affected in public a space in which they can retreat and set the signals: I am being threatened, I am being harassed, I need help.

the panic room / Interpretation I. 2021 https://youtu.be/BtU5ebEaVdY

1st presentation at the cultural festival of the city of Perleberg and the city of Wittenberge in Brandenburg, Germany. “Rendezvous mit Nachbarn”, septembre 24th and 25th, 2021

the panicroom. LED neon, light installation 5 x 5 m


5cm, 5000cm, 5000cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Licht, Kunststoff
Installation, Figurativ, Lichtkunst, Land Art, Abstrakt
Spiritualität, Körper, Natur, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft
Alle Kunstwerke von Herbert Hundrich
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