Ludwigshöhstr. 137
64285 Darmstadt

Verein für Internationale Waldkunst e.V.

At the 8th. International forest art trail Art transformation it's about the transformations in the forest: how do we change the forest with art, how do visitors change the forest and how are they themselves changed by art and nature. Research into the cultural importance of forest and also artistic field research projects in the forest should explore the topic.

The exhibition Digital forest is part of the 11th. International forest art trails Art nature change as part of the anniversary of 20 years of forest art in Darmstadt. 23 artists from 12 countries present 17 analog works of art on the forest art path and 14 digital works in the Schader Gallery. The digital explorations too Art nature changereflect climate change, social change and the changing use of nature by the pandemic. Digital change has a major impact on the consideration and understanding of forest and nature through media developments such as social media and the possibilities of digital interactions. Waldkunst sees the gallery and the forest as two closely linked fields of experience and experimentation, in which the artistic projects on digitality with their virtual and expanded realities open up new perspectives on forest and nature.

The digital forest was created in a cooperation between the Association for International Forest Art, the Schader Foundation and the culture of a digital city.

The topic Art nature change contains four topics that we have given the artists to consider: climate change, social change due to the nearby Ludwigshöviertel, changed use of nature by the pandemic and digital change, who also changes the way of looking at nature.

Read more: 11. International forest art trail Art nature change

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