Postboks 163
4662 Kristiansand

Christianssands Kunstforening

Kristiansand Kunsthall is a contemporary art institution situated in the far south of Norway in the center of Kristiansand. Since its founding in 1881 as Christianssands Art Association, we have stimulated the art scene in the Kristiansand region and contributed to greater understanding and interest among the public through exhibitions, events and educational programs. The name Kristiansand Kunsthall has been used since September 2012 to better describe our practice.

We act as a platform for the production of exhibitions and dissemination of these. We work with both norwegian and international artists and guest curators to develop solo and group exhibitions with the aim of creating transformative experiences, strengthen the understanding of art for the upcoming generation, and increasing cultural involvement in Kristiansand. Kristiansand Kunsthall is supported by the City of Kristiansand and the Arts Council Norway.

Our exhibition space is situated on the top floor of the award winning city library building. Our exhibition spaces are bright and spacious. Kristiansand Kunsthall continually exhibits art by contemporary national and international artists.


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