Kasernstr. 54
89231 Neu Ulm
Kunstbauraum e. V. Ulm/Neu Ulm
The kunstbauraum e.V. is an association of artists who have set themselves the goal of promoting, living and revitalizing art and culture.
The art building room offers.: Stammtisch
The regular club round table was always held monthly on the 2nd. Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. in StudioMAX at Maxgasse 5 / Neu-Ulm.
The following dates result for 2023:
- February 9. March 13. April 11. May 8. June 13. July 10. August 14. September 12. October 9. November and 14. December.
The following dates result for 2024:
11.January 8. February 14. March 11. April 9. May 13. June 11. July 8. August 12. September 10. October 14. November and 12. December.
Internet platform
The website offers the members
the opportunity to exchange ideas
present and organize.
StudioMax Neu Ulm
The community studio offers studio spaces,
the opportunity to give courses,
Storage space and a place for inspiration
and mutual exchange.
Purpose of the Association
The purpose of the Association is to promote artists in the Ulm and Neu Ulm area.
The purpose of the statutes shall be realised in particular by the permanent creation of a space where artists can meet, exchange, work and present their work.
(1) Any natural (and legal) person who supports the aims of the Association may become a member.
(2) The Executive Committee decides on applications for membership.
(3) Membership ends by resignation, exclusion or death.
(4) The resignation of a member is only possible at the end of a quarter. It shall be effected by written declaration to the Chairperson with a notice period of 3 months.
(5) If a member has seriously violated the aims and interests of the association or is in arrears with the membership fee for 3 months despite a reminder, he/she can be excluded by the executive committee with immediate effect.
The member must be given the opportunity to justify or comment before the decision is taken.
statement before the decision is taken.
An appeal against the exclusion decision may be lodged within a period of 3 weeks after notification of the exclusion.
of the exclusion, which shall be decided by the next general meeting.
shall decide.
Members shall pay dues in accordance with a resolution of the General Assembly.
A simple majority of the members present at the general meeting shall be required to determine the amount and due date of the fees.
members present at the general meeting who are entitled to vote.