Goseriede 11
30159 Hannover


Kestner Gesellschaft

Contemporary, international, and diverse: The Kestner Gesellschaft is one of the largest art associations (German: Kunstvereine) in Germany. For over 100 years our aim has been to bring contemporary, international art to Hanover. The halls of the Goseriedebad, which once housed an indoor swimming pool, regularly host extensive group and solo exhibitions. With over 700 exhibitions to date, we have helped shape the art scene in Germany and abroad and are continually breaking new ground.

Experiencing Art

In order to make current artistic positions accessible to everyone, the exhibitions are accompanied by a diverse educational program for different age groups. From free tours to fascinating lectures and creative workshops, we offer many opportunities to engage with art. In addition, we are expanding our digital offerings and are thus active participants in digital transformation.


Contemporary art may stimulate and may challenge. Contemporary art may occasionally cause offence and does not always have to be understood. Contemporary art is dialogue. Creating spaces for dialogue is the central task of our art education programs.

Kestnerkids at Klára Hosnedlovà's "To Infinity", 2023

In order to make current artistic positions understandable for everyone, we offer a diverse program of learning. Whether art connoisseur or newcomer, children or adults, everyone is welcome here to discover art for themselves.

Receive fresh impulses through our guided tours, with which you can discover the works in a new way.


Our offerings interest art connoisseurs and art newbies alike. They have classic formats, but some are "out of the box" and new. They are accompanying and deepening for the adult audience, explorative and "do-it-yourself" for children and young people. The artistic positions at the Kestner Gesellschaft are experienced by a multi-layered audience for a multi-layered audience.

Schools and Kindergarten

Students of different ages and daycare center children discover the exhibition in specially designed guided tours. Individual cooperations with schools and kindergarten enable a lively exchange between contemporary art and cultural education.

Digital offers

The Kestner Gesellschaft is not only a physical place, but also a digital place of art experience and education. That is why we are constantly developing our digital offerings and thus actively participate in shaping digital change.



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