
Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest

The Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art aims at being:
professional in researching, collecting, presenting, mediating and propagating contemporary art
open-minded towards new ideas and perspectives
multi-colored in terms of the exhibited artists and artworks, the hosting of events and activities, as well as in terms of the presentation of the allied arts
active in finding new partners, cooperative parties, and sponsors.

Our daily work is realized along the following principles:
The Ludwig Museum’s collection building, exhibitions and events aim at enabling a wider public to form a closer acquaintance with contemporary art, as well as the preservation of its values.
Professional activities are performed by specifically qualified colleagues. We make regular re-assessment of our goals and achievements and we are open to changes if the need arises.
We provide continuous dialogue between past and present, between mainstream art and experimental artistic initiations.
The Museum functions as a public space open to the widest possible public.
Following the principle of inclusivity the Museum is continually working on providing ever better conditions of access to its collection and events.
We strive to conduct our daily work in an economically and environmentally sustainable form.

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