Calle Francia 24
01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Artium of Alava
The Artium Museum Collection comprises exceptional contemporary public heritage holdings of more than 2,700 works of art. The body of these holdings includes works and authors from the 20th century and primarily focuses on creations from the 1950s to the present day. The unique nature of this Collection defines the function of the museum as a key facility to approach the artistic practices developed within the context of the Basque Country in recent decades. One of the institution’s programmatic goals is to provide appropriate visibility to and share its heritage value.
In line with their exceptional nature, the holdings of the museum make up a collection under construction that traces a path through the plurality of contemporary artistic expressions. Based on this principle, it needs to be viewed from constantly renewed paradigms by identifying new genealogies and creating spaces of representation that can maintain a dialogue with the present and the conflicts and challenges it poses to us. In this way, the exhibition programmes displayed in the halls of the museum operate with a variety of narratives and suggest creating one’s own itineraries to further understand contemporary art and the contexts in which it is produced.
The Artium Library and Documentation Centre is a specialised landmark for consultation and research in the field of contemporary arts and culture. It is a free, public access space that manages an important bibliographic and documentary heritage made up of monographs, exhibition catalogues, journals and audio-visual materials, among other references. All these works are available to researchers, students, Artium staff and anybody who is interested in the different aspects of contemporary creation.
In the same way, the Library promotes various activities for the dissemination of these collections -bibliographic exhibitions, World Book Day, bookcrossing...- and for the connection between plastic arts and literature –Writing for the art, Book club...-.
The Artium Museum Library owns the first SEDIC National Award (Spanish Society for Scientific Documentation and Information) for the best contribution to innovation in libraries, documentation centres and archives of art museums.
The Education Department of Artium Museoa seeks to expand the scope of the museum's programs, emphasizing the enrichment of school curricula at different levels and the experiences of visitors of different ages.
In this way, the museum is understood as a school, relying on the potential of art pedagogy to broaden our abilities to create significant relationships in the fields of thought, the sensitive and society, from childhood and as a constant process through throughout life.