Bitten & Aage Damgaards Plads 2
DK-7400 Herning
HEART Herning Museum of Contemporary Art
HEART's collection holds Danish and international conceptual and experimental art from the 1930s till today. The Italian artist Piero Manzoni holds a central position in HEART's collection. Additionally, the collection consists of works by Paul Gadegaard, Ingvar Cronhammar, Bjørn Nørgaard, Joseph Beuys, Mario Merz, Knud Hvidberg, John Kørner, and Troels Wörsel among others.
Opposite HEART you will find the Sculpture Park planned by the internationally acknowledged landscape gardener C. Th. Sørensen. The Park presents 36 sculptures made of many different kinds of material and an area in the middle of the facility is used in accordance with Aage Damgaards Grounding thought, as a grassing area for Hereford cattle.
The majority of the sculptures are the works of Danish artists and illustrate for instance the individual expression of Robert Jacobsen, Svend Wiig Hansen and Sven Dalsgaard.
The Sculpture Park was laid out in 1965 initiated by Shirt factory owner and art collector Aage Damgaard. Initially, the Park was meant to be a recreational area for the workers at Damgaard's round factory named Angli, and which is the domicile of VIA Design School today. The sculptures are today owned by HEART.