C/ Calvario, 2
31620 Huarte
Huarte Art Centre
On the periphery of the periphery
Island is a town in the northwest of Pamplona, with a population of 7,000. The Island Center, located in one of the town’s entrances, seeks ways to establish links and exchanges with the local community, through activities specifically designed for both the people and through activities that are specifically designed to create projects together.
The artistic community knows what its needs, priorities, and shortcomings are. Therefore, the Island Center has decided to comply with the catalyst function of the proposals, and not so many issuing or producer areas, with the aim of helping to revitalize and feed the cultural fabric. It then works closely, listening and in a relationship with the surrounding artistic structure.
The most peripheral allows all freedoms and thoughts that are often unable to arise in neuralgic centers; thus, the Island Center uses its physical place to open new avenues for divergent ways of thinking and doing. It allows you to put aside the better perspective of things, and open up to contemporary practices and theories over the time needed.
Totemak on the street!
Workshops and public activities in Totem mobile structures, in the open spaces of Huarte.
Open mailbox
Call for projects to become an artistic community with the aim of connecting artistic tissue and creating an asset.
Repensate the outside
The mediation project, which puts three sites on the periphery of Pamplona in connection through a common urban reflection.
H Call
Call for the establishment of meetings, reflections and work areas for the island community.
Participation conferences
Conferences to open a participatory process with artistic community actors and determine the elomits of the Island Center.
Repensate the container
An indirect program for the study and rethinking of new relations between the physical space and the environment of the Island Center.