Viktoriastraße 112
47799 Krefeld


The aims and task of the foundation consist in promoting and supporting research into the intellectual foundations of Concrete Art since the early 1950s, the portrayal and further development of the city of Krefeld as a major focus in Concrete Art, and the upkeep of the founder’s artistic oeuvre and his collection.

Apart from Adolf Luther’s oeuvre, the foundation also keeps a collection of works from among on others the Dusseldorf Zero group, the Nouveaux Réalistes, and works by Joseph Beuys, Antoni Tàpies, Ad Rein­hardt and Mario Merz. A further focus of the collection consists of examples of Geometrical Abstraction from the 1920s and 1930s – Ella Berg­mann-Michel, Henrik Berlewi, Theo van Does­burg, El Lissitzky, Kasimir Male­vich, and Fried­rich Vordem­berge-Gilde­wart. The collection, which resides in part in the form of permanent loans in museums where it is accessible to the public, has been expanded since the middle of the 1990s by purchases of works by young artists, including for instance the winners of the Adolf Luther Foundation Art Award Andreas Slominski, Michel Verjux, Bethan Huws, Stephen Craig, Katja Strunz and Julius Popp.

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