Ioana Nemeș, Embrace (To M.), 2005. Ceramic, acrylic, laquer, pedestal on wheels, 30 x 20 x 20 cm. © Ioana Nemeș Archive. Photo: Serioja Bocsok.

National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC)
Intrarea E1, Calea 13 Septembrie 1-3 Palatul Parlamentului
050563 Bucharest



The retrospective exhibition dedicated to Ioana Nemeș (1979 – 2011) brings together an important body of works by the late artist, offering an in-depth look at an exceptional practice in Romanian contemporary art. All Times At Once charts the non-linear path of Ioana Nemeș’s artistic development, from the beginnings of her artistic biography and projecting her works against the complex backdrop of her working processes and research: important series such as “Monthly Evaluations” (2005 – 2010), “Relics for the Afterfuture” (2009), “Untitled” (2010), “Expensive Fiasco / Cheap Success” (2010)  are presented alongside previously unpublished materials, thus facilitating an understanding of her multiple conceptual, methodological and, not least, formal developments.

In addition to this approach, Ioana Nemeș’s archive plays a significant role in the exhibition, revealing important aspects of the creative and research process from 2001 to 2011, alongside the multiple collaborative projects in art, fashion and design in which she was involved. At the same time, the series of contributions resulting from the research entrusted to a group of invited writers / critics / curators offers new interpretive directions and possibilities for revisiting the work of Ioana Nemeș.

The exhibition can be visited on the third & fourth floors of the museum.

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