Mitgliedsveranstaltung von
Sophie Azzilonna

Alita – Byblos, Qartaba

Universal Data – Biennale of Contemporary Art 2019

This exhibition invites us to look at the various facets of our immaterial digital universe,
unravelling its impact on humanity through multidisciplinary art forms.

Opening Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 6 pm

MACAM launches its 2nd BIENNALE of Contemporary Art with the topic ‘Universal Data’.
Behind the massive rustic gate of the industrial museum, over 60 Lebanese and international artists will be showcasing multidisciplinary artworks that explore our use and interaction with this ever-increasing digitalized universe.


Artists from over twenty nationalities reflect on contemporary topics, such as access to informationdigital identityfreedom of expression and online communities. The featured artworks challenge our perspective on , making it more tangible through art installations, paintings, sculptures, videos, digital and live performance art.

We share, like and comment onli+#ne on content provided by people we have never met and whose nationality, social origin and political opinions we often know nothing about. Our ability to connect with so many people anonymously through a parallel universe that is no longer constrained by physical borders, brings forth many new opportunities; but it also has its drawbacks.

In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, artists have been asked to reflect on how these articles apply (if at all) in this new digital era and on how access to data has influenced our perception of the world.

These questions have birthed thought-provoking and inquisitive works of art about hacking, security leaks, the fragility of manipulation of data and equal access to data, amongst others. A vast subject worth exploring more in-depth.

#MACAMBiennale #MACAMmuseum #museumforeveryone

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