Gliptoteka HAZU

Medvedgradska ulica 2
10000 Zagreb

Dialogue in Zagreb

Artist talk with award winners at Triennial of Croatian Sculpture

The Triennial of the Croatian Sculpture presents the best art works of contemporary sculpture in Croatia created in the last three years. This year's exhibition presents the works of 107 artists and a solo exhibition of last Triennial Grand Prix winner.

The following prizes will be awarded:

  • Grand Prix of the 13. Triennial of the Croatian Sculpture
  • Three Equal Prizes
  • Award of the Croatian Commission of AICA / The International Association of Art Critics at UNESCO /
  • Award of the Goranska kiparska radionica Lokve.


An artist talk with six award winners will give us opportunity to hear more about their work, artistic methods and ideas about art and sculpture.



12:00 Announcement of award winners at Triennial of Croatian Sculpture

12:15 Speech of representative of the jury

Sculpture network event:

12:20 Artist talk with awarded artists

13:00 Networking



Photo: Ida Blažičko, The Colour of the Wind


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