Manfred Hellweger

mountain flow III

The work "mountain flow III" consists of 3 different types of wood:
Larch, lime and maple.

Manfred Hellweger arranged the wooden slats of different thicknesses during the gluing process in such a way that they taper off irregularly towards the bottom and create a flowing dynamic. The mountain silhouettes were subsequently sawn out and sanded.

With this work, the artist wants to illustrate that the planet Earth is subject to constant change.
Just as the water in the stream is always in motion, all things, living beings and phenomena in the world are always changing.
Everything changes and evolves, nothing stays the same.

Since this is a wall object, two screws with dowels are included for easy mounting.

The surface is completely natural.

Total weight: 22,6 Kg

All sculptures by Manfred Hellweger are unique.


121cm, 140cm, 7cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Alle Kunstwerke von Manfred Hellweger
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