In the last 10 years I began noticing fewer White Birch Trees, due in large
part to Climate Change. They were often falling down or were dead on the
ground. I also discovered that many were being cut down to be sold locally
as decorations in craft stores.
My installation Ghost Trees consists of painted strips of translucent fabric
ranging in 9 to 12 foot long strips. They hang at intervals in Ether Park, a
section of natural forest. The trees are ethereal, existing on a different
plane than our present reality. This reflects my ideas about nature and
sentience; an animistic view that nature contains spirit.
I created Ghost Trees as a subtle reminder that these majestic trees used
to inhabit the Northeast U.S. in abundance. The environment is changing, and these
trees are in need of protection.
My petition states: White birch trees have been dying due to climate
change and rampant deforestation. The selling and cutting down of these
trees in New York State is contributing to their decline. We call on the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation to classify white
birch as a protected species and implement measures against its
commercial exploitation.