Blake Ward

Ushabtis Satet & Sekhmet

The Spirit Collection

Ushabtis Satet & Sekhmet 
This Sculpture is presently FOR SALE
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Left: Ushabti Satet – Right: Ushabti Sekhmet 
Goddess of the bountiful floods.
Revered as the mother of the Nile river, Satet was viewed as a fertility goddess in relation to the yearly inundation of the Nile and the fertile black soil that came with the flood. Previously barren land blossomed into life.
Ushabti Sekhmet: A sun goddess representing the destructive heat of the sun. Goddess of destruction and war, whose attributes include battling against sickness and disease. 
One Quarter Life-size Partial Female Figure
Bronze by Blake Ward and Boky Hackel
Photo Phil Hill


77cm, 15cm, 19cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
73cm, 9cm, 17cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Unique Piece
Figurativ, Abstrakt, Expressionistisch
Körper, Gesellschaft, Spiritualität
Alle Kunstwerke von Blake Ward
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