Blake Ward

Ushabtis Hathor & Hetheru

The Spirit Collection

Ushabtis Hathor & Hetheru
This Sculpture is presently FOR SALE
Please Contact Arica Hilton,, Chicago

Left: Ushabti Hetheru – Right: Ushabti Hathor
Ushabit Hetheru: Goddess of Creation. Another name for Hathor, meaning “the house of Horus” referring to the sky. She is the Goddess associated with creation and fertility.

Ushabit Hathor: Goddess of Love. Hathor is a solar deity, the goddess of beauty, music, dance, joy, motherhood and love. She was considered a protective goddess of women especially the pregnant ones thus linking her to the mother of the pharaoh.
Two one Quarter Life-size Females Figures
Bronze by Blake Ward and Boky Hackel
Photo Credit Phil Hill


80cm, 17cm, 16cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
73cm, 11cm, 17cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Unique Piece
Figurativ, Abstrakt, Expressionistisch
Körper, Gesellschaft, Spiritualität
Alle Kunstwerke von Blake Ward
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