Iwona Rozbiewska

“Liquidity” exhibition at the Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art Elektrownia in Radom, Poland.

Untitled [Bathtub II], 2020, steel sheets, car paint, 67 x 85 x 81

Untitled [Railing VI – Zigzag], 2020–2022, steel, car paint, 77 x 158,5 x 39

Untitled [Railing VII ], 2020–2022, steel, car paint, 24 x 101 x 54

Untitled [Step by Step to the Dailiness Alley II], 2019–2022, ceramic tiles, plywood, OSB board, 26 x 293 x 193

Outlet, 2022, steel, car paint, 230 x 61 x 27

Dew I, 2022, steel sheets, car paint, 49 x 42 x 36

Dew II, 2022, steel sheets, car paint, 48.5 x 38 x 34

Dew III, 2022, steel sheets, car paint, 39 x 37 x 32Fot. Marcin Kucewicz, Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art Elektrownia in Radom, Poland, 2022

Fot. Marcin Kucewicz, Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art Elektrownia in Radom, Poland, 2022


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Alle Kunstwerke von Iwona Rozbiewska
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