
The respective room

The installation "the respective room // der jeweilige Raum“ ( in german „room“ also means space)
shows the borders of a room by means of a rubber band, in its initial position with the ratio 4:3.
This space and its boundaries are constantly changed and redefined in its form by 4 motors with crankshafts rotating at different speeds.

clip of repective room

The work was created during the corona shutdown between March and June 2020.
During this period, people in Hamburg were asked to stay at home and only leave their apartments and houses for walks and necessary food shopping only  on condition that they kept at least 1.5 metres apart.
With this installation we are dealing with the perception and interpretation of spaces and negotiate questions within the field of tension of movement and space:
Who and what defines spaces and how do they depend on each other?
How flexible are the spaces we define and what influence does movement in and outside the space have on it?
Spaces are the result of actions. At the same time spaces structure actions, i.e. spaces can both limit and enable actions.
"The respective room", is currently shown in a Showcase  at Harburg railway station in Hamburg / Germany. It is part of the exhibition: 
highway=footway;layer 1 with Patrick Will.


Mixed Media
Installation, Kinetische Kunst, Konstruktiv
Gesellschaft, Konzeptionell
Alle Kunstwerke von heidundgriess
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