Teo San Jose

Aire de fuego

Air of Fire is the movement of change, but also the movement of standing. It exposes the dynamic of space that flows among material, growing and fading to the top of the sculpture. When the wind makes the sculpture swing, it is the moment in which magic of
fire appears;

Air of Fire is the movement of change, but also the movement of standing. It exposes the dynamic of space that flows among material, growing and fading to the top of the sculpture. When the wind makes the sculpture swing, it is the moment in which magic of fire appears; forms lose their coherence, iron stops being metal, red color stops being skin to transform into an experience of movement that far from remaining in the senses takes us deep inside, to the ancestral world - images that the flames are capable of creating within the unconscious of each one of us, of touching that ancestral world that is within each human being, through metal.
Air of Fire follows the proposal to highlight the successful image of a large company by installing a monumental sculpture in its gardens next to the road.
The concept: an ethereal and dynamic sculpture with a clear reference to fire. The 5,50m high steel symbol of the company’s success has become a clear landmark for people and drivers passing by, but also a place of relaxation and recreation for the employees themselves.


550cm, 250cm, 250cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Mixed Media, Metall
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