The molecule is the first in a series of scientifically inspired artworks presented by sculptor Kujundzic in his sculptural opus. The sculpture of water molecule is a scientific model that reminds us of chemistry and physics classes. It is a new art form in which great glittering spheres do represent a vivid, three-dimensional artistic rendering of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms that Kujundzic has so correctly united in the molecule of water. Art can be not only beautiful but also scientifically instructive. Forms and surfaces do involve the spectator in the deeper context, even if the observer does not have to have deeper scientific knowledge.
For a water molecule, it can be said that it represents a milestone in Kujundžić’s career and a successful renewal of the old Renaissance aspiration for the unification of science and art. Masaru Emoto was a Jap-anese researcher who found that human consciousness influences the molecular structure, magic power, the appearance and aesthetics of water crystals - and also the sculptor Ivan Kujundzic perfectly erected a water monument.
The chemical view of the world is not narrow, it is so magnificent! This small combination of three spheres represents three nuclei in and eight electrons with special properties that make it unique among more than 15 million of molecules that we currently know. Only when we stop thinking about science and geometric structure, chemistry starts from being a mysterious science on the path of miracles and pleasure as we learn to connect the microscopic world of atoms with the larger world in which we all live.
The water molecule is the aggregation of atomic nuclei and electrons that are sufficiently stable to possess the clearly visible properties necessary for the existence of life in the universe.
John-Jan Popovic


50cm, 30cm, 20cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
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