Eva Moosbrugger


Commission work for Würth Foundation, Künzelsau.
Wall Installation made of 172 moduls of glass (uniques). Freie Schule Anne Sophie, Stiftung Würth, Künzelsau DE.
FRIENDLY THOUGHTS are cheerful and playful decorative objects whose bright colors and sensual shapes bring a feeling of energy, love and joy to any living space.
Placed on a wall, they look like a three-dimensional painting, with the brushstrokes being replaced by individual glass objects.
Unlike my other glass creations, FRIENDLY THOUGHTS are small and sophisticated sculptures. The one-off objects are made of freeblown glass, and can be set down on a flat surface or grouped together on a wall.

Because of their modular concept, FRIENDLY THOUGHTS can be used to enliven any surface area – from a single object to site-specific installations incorporating hundreds of objects.
You can create your own work of art: for at home, in the office, and in public spaces like schools, museums, banks, libraries, restaurants and hotels.

So give it a try and be an artist!


500cm, 15cm, 9000cm (Höhe, Breite, Tiefe)
Metall, Glas
Alle Kunstwerke von Eva Moosbrugger
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