Izabela Rachwał
1996 year started my fascination with glass as a work of art. Besides utilizing traditional harmonious form in its classical shape I ventured into non-utilitarian decorative patterns which are the general trend in contemporary artistic glass work today.
Glass is a very specific substance. On one hand it requires patience and extended knowledge on the other it is eager to submit itself to various techniques like coloring, melting, blowing, stretching or breaking-up and moulding again. Following this idea I decided to experiment with other materials like wood and metal and blending them with glass. By doing this I changed their mutual character and created a new substance. All this time I am seeking new forms of expression and means of ornamentation.
My designs are inspired by the laws of nature and forms found in every field of human life.
In the above context my work is a mixture of experience and artistic maturity. Because glass, no matter how transformed, is a magical material, which has fascinated people for centuries.
Glass is a very specific substance. On one hand it requires patience and extended knowledge on the other it is eager to submit itself to various techniques like coloring, melting, blowing, stretching or breaking-up and moulding again. Following this idea I decided to experiment with other materials like wood and metal and blending them with glass. By doing this I changed their mutual character and created a new substance. All this time I am seeking new forms of expression and means of ornamentation.
My designs are inspired by the laws of nature and forms found in every field of human life.
In the above context my work is a mixture of experience and artistic maturity. Because glass, no matter how transformed, is a magical material, which has fascinated people for centuries.