
Daniel Blom

The body, its partialised components, and some inanimate objects are used to translate the concept of order into text and sculpture. As a unit of visceral and conceptual meaning, it is repeated regularly and methodically as a corpus catalogued functioning inside the closed, introverted system of the installation space, where structures made of high-density polyethylene, marble, bronze and steel, strengthen the specific reductive approach of removing all non-essential elements to concentrate on concept, line and mass to get to the rawest and purest form of an austere minimalism.

Daniel Blom MRSS
Member of the Royal Society of Sculptors

Kunstwerke (9)

Daniel Blom, 2023

il cavallo oscuro

Daniel Blom, 2023

fra Girolamo Savonarola

Daniel Blom, 2023

confessor. priest

Daniel Blom, 2021

here is the ocean

Daniel Blom, 2018


Daniel Blom, 2022

Vier letzte Lieder

Daniel Blom, 2021

the perfect underling

Daniel Blom, 2021

the argument

Daniel Blom, 2023

inverno. basso-relievo

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