
coen vernooij

Was leer ist, neigt dazu, gefüllt zu werden

Coen Vernooij uses the line as a spatial starting point. What occurs as a possible framework, a contour, takes the form with which boundaries are just broken. He opens with his images an interaction with the emptiness.
In the most recent sculptures, Vernooij looks for the almost intangible areas, with the result that his images, such as tones and smells, become increasingly lighter and more airy.{Alex de Vries}

Kunstwerke (10)

coen vernooij, 2019

no title

coen vernooij, 2019

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coen vernooij, 2019

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coen vernooij, 2019

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coen vernooij, 2017

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coen vernooij, 2017

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coen vernooij, 2017

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coen vernooij, 2015

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coen vernooij, 2015

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coen vernooij, 217

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Events (6)

Ausstellung Mitgliedsveranstaltung

no title

nijmegen, Niederlande

Ausstellung Mitgliedsveranstaltung


Amsterdam, Niederlande

Ausstellung Mitgliedsveranstaltung

Draw Art Fair London

London, Großbritannien

Ausstellung Mitgliedsveranstaltung

lineart 5

almelo, Niederlande

Ausstellung Mitgliedsveranstaltung


Amsterdam, Niederlande

Ausstellung Mitgliedsveranstaltung

noise reduction

velp, Niederlande

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