Joana Demestre

Creating art in the form of sculptures takes me through two very different ways of expression.

One of more rational, where there is a preconceived idea before creating the work and where I use my knowledge of Art Therapy with balanced shapes and harmonious colors to serve the therapeutic needs of the person who commissions the sculpture or as my own work that I offer to whoever wants to buy it.

And another more intuitive, where there is no pre-established design, the forms are organic and appear as I am sculpting the wood. I use solid wood and glass and occasionally complement it with iron or stone.

The polarity between the opaque solidity and textures of the wood grain and the translucent delicacy of the stained glass, with its play of colors and shadows when light passes through them, provide a very interesting dialogue between the two materials.

All the elements are assembled with care and great detail.

All my sculptures are designed to be part of an interior space in a public place. in an interior space of a public or private place (bedroom, living room, hall, store ... ).

I collaborate with architects and interior designers to offer balanced and harmonious sculptures and always taking as a reference the vital need of the person who commissions it and according to the need of each project. I also accept private commissions.

My works are unique and are created
with their certificate of authenticity.

Small, medium and large format sculptures.

Kunstwerke (2)

Joana Demestre


Joana Demestre

Unexpected paths

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