
Tina Zimmermann

Tina Zimmerman is an interdisciplinary artist living in Berlin.
>> installation, sculpture, media art, digital video, photography, drawing, painting << mixing and matching her manyfold creative skills and passions according to the need of the hour.

The fact that she was born ambidextrous - which means that both her neural brain hemispheres are equally developed - //writing with the right hand, drawing with the left, or vice versa// - might be the foundation of her wide range of artistic expression . From highly technical logical leftbrain digital art to totally intuitive and highly emotional drawing and painting she is more creative "universal genius" than "expert idiot".

Her distinct style of "organic media art" is applied in such diverse projects and environments as gallery shows, permanent and temporary site-specific video mapping installations, urban intervention, stage design for opera and theater productions, and live VJ performances for clubs and festivals.

She is a digital hunter and gatherer of images, video and artifacts of the natural and cultural worlds. She recontextualizes and rearranges common sights of nature and civilization into new sensory and conceptual phenomena - sometimes soothing, sometimes disturbing while always poetic and referencing the potential of everyday objects to awe-inspire.

Kunstwerke (7)

Tina Zimmermann, 2019


Tina Zimmermann, 2020


Tina Zimmermann, 2019


Tina Zimmermann, 2018


Tina Zimmermann, 1999


Tina Zimmermann, 2013


Tina Zimmermann, 2017

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