Tate St Ives
Porthmeor Beach
Cornwall TR26 1TG St Ives
United Kingdom

Outi Pieski

Outi Pieski is a Sámi visual artist based in Ohcejohka (Utsjoki), Finland. This will be her first large-scale exhibition in the UK.
Pieski's paintings and installations explore several themes, including the culture and identity of the Sámi people – who live in the region of Sápmi, which now includes the northern part of Scandinavia and Kola peninsula in Russia.
In many of her projects, she incorporates duodji (the traditional craft practices of the Sámi people) using materials such as wood and textile. For Pieski, duodji is also a way of revitalising connections between past and future generations.
Through this thought-provoking show, Pieski raises important questions around ancestral return, indigenous people’s rights, and the relationship between humans, animals and nature.

Outi Pieski is based in Ohcejohka (Utsjoki), Finland, in the cultural region of Sápmi. Sápmi is the traditional territory of the Sámi people that extends across parts of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Pieski's paintings, prints and installations raise questions which have far-reaching relevance, considering Indigenous peoples' rights, ancestral return, and the relationship between humans, animals, and land.

Pieski's practice embodies the Sámi philosophy of soabadit (positive reciprocity). Soabadit balances life with the environment by uniting spiritual, ancestral, elemental and practical knowledge. This holistic Sámi worldview is essential for living in the harsh Arctic region but has historically been endangered by missionary programmes and assimilation policies that oppressed ancient Sámi customs, languages and rights. Pieski explores the possibilities of art in strengthening contemporary Sámi culture and expertise, which are critical in understanding and protecting the Arctic environment.

Pieski paves the way for reconnecting ancestral knowledge with the troubled present and future times. She often uses Sámi duodji (handicraft) techniques and works collaboratively, revitalising traditions and opening intergenerational dialogues. This exhibition of Pieski's work is accompanied by texts written by curators, academics and advocates, reflecting on their shared experiences, concerns and the biocultural reality of Sámi communities today.

This is Pieski's debut large-scale exhibition in the UK. It begins with several early works, tracing the artist's development across materials, processes, and influences and her increasing involvement as a spokesperson and activist for Sámi people's rights and environmental stewardship.

For further information see Outi Pieski | Tate St Ives

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