
Wouter Mulier

Realizing a sculpture gives me the feeling of making a statement, reaching a landmark in space and time. In the vagueness of life I try to create, for myself and for the spectator a moment of condensation, of crystallization of reality.
The design of my work is not rationally 'thought' but emerges directly out of the manipulation of the materials. Folding, bending, making torsions, binding... all these actions stay visible in the result and enhance the suggestion of dynamics and action. The sculptures have an open and extravert character. Fan-shaped wise they breathe and move in space.
My formal language is abstract, but keeps strong references to figuration. The reality is not painstakingly depicted but suggested. Another important aspect of my work is monumentality. This is reached not by its size but by its precise relation between the different parts.
I regularly realize commissions for public space. Interaction with the public is an important goal here. Working within well-defined outlines is a challenge I love. It stimulates me to try out other possibilities and to discover new horizons.

Artworks (8)

Wouter Mulier, 2020


Wouter Mulier, 2018


Wouter Mulier, 2018

Bachus and Ariadne

Wouter Mulier, 2007

'New dynamics'

Wouter Mulier, 2010


Wouter Mulier, 2015


Wouter Mulier, 2006


Wouter Mulier, 2008

Hand of Prometheus

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